Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Judicial review for Tesco in Stokes Croft appeal granted!!!!!!

Tesco in Stokes Croft appeal has been granted a Judicial Review - so we might stand a chance at removing their permission to trade! This is something everyone needs to get behind! It is massive. It's basically a world first. Do not underestimate the possibilities here!

Here is what Ashley Councillor, Gus Hoyt, says of the permission for the judicial review:

'I strongly feel the wrong decision was made by the planning committee; they completely failed to take into account the extra deliveries a 'Tesco Express' requires. The fact that the deliveries DO occur out of hour slots they were given, demonstrates exactly how much the store respects BCC guidelines. They do not deserve to earn trade in this neighbourhood'

This is a very inspiring and encouraging piece of news, not only just for us in Whiteladies but also for the whole of Bristol! Now is truly the time to get involved and push back the flood.

Here is a link to an article today in the Guardian: