Thursday, 28 June 2012

Fate of the Whiteladies Picture House

The fate of the Whiteladies Picture House is still undecided, the application was deferred and it will be one month before the next meeting. Below is my account of what happened at the Council planning committee, June 27th, 2012. 

Re: application of the Whiteladies Picture house to be converted into a gym and five flats.

The meeting commenced at 3.15pm

Five Councillors were present including the chair; the full committee should have consisted of seven.

There were five planning applications to be considered this day, the Picture house was supposed to be number Four on the agenda but the chair proposed that it be saved to last due to such large interest in the application-that it would give more time for late comers to arrive etc. The committee did not object.

Four and a half hours later the committee came on to the Picture house application. At this point Cllr Martin ejected himself from the committee and came to sit on the side of where the objecting public were. He made a seemingly heart felt objection to the application, which is a turn around as last meeting he voted in favour of the applicant. He then left, leaving the committee with just four members.

The public made there objections one by one, each receiving a round of applause, there was a wide variety of reasons and concerns expressed, including sound levels of a gym, damage to a listed building and concerns on the impact on the local community.

The applicant himself did not make a verbal statement, though his letting agent did.

The planning officer’s recommendation was to grant the applicant permission, but the committee was clearly torn.

The officers stated that the reasons for the application being rejected last time had been addressed and can not be used again as grounds of objection. The main objection to the application last time was that there was no outlined use for the auditorium which is listed and fears of its fate meant the applicant was rejected. Now use of the auditorium as a gym has been presented.

The Auditorium has a D2 licence and therefore does not need planning permission to be converted into a gym. It’s the use of residential units that seem to need permission though there is already one flat present.

It was noted that if made into a gym, it could be reversed back into a cinema, but point was raised that this is incredibly unlikely.

The applicant claims it will restore features of this listed building including the auditorium and outside features.

The officers warned that if the councillors voted NO that they would need grounds of objection other than that of hope for a more favourable applicant.

Two Councillors ignored the planning officer’s recommendations and voted NO against the applicant. One claiming that the listed parts were still at risk, the other simply gave no reason.

The third member and chair were undecided for sometime. Seemingly playing devil’s advocate the 3rd member jumped in and voted yes to see what happened. His reasons were that the building has been disused for along time and is falling apart. This left the casting vote to the chair.

The chair was still undecided and the final decision was to refer so that the committee had a better chance to look around the premises-to make a more accurate assessment.

The next committee meeting will be in one month.

Simon Bennett

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

KWL & Bristol Pound presentation

'Keep Whiteladies Local' has been working closely with the 'Bristol pound' of late... a local currency that will be launching this September. We will be giving a presentation together this Thursday to explain exactly what the Bristol Pound is, how it works, and how it will benefit the local Whiteladies community.

Come along and learn more about this remarkable venture!

Thursday 21st June, 7.30pm
United Reformed Church (meeting rooms)
Redland Park Rd

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Easter Garden open day! :)

Easter Garden is truly a mini oasis in Clifton, found just behind the Coach and Horses pub (which is just off from Whiteladies Rd). It is a not for profit community garden maintained by local people, who protect it from developers and keep it looking gorgeous for all to enjoy.

I was caught on my lunch break recently with my head upside down looking in the hedgehog habitat by committee member Ilse Hambrook who revealed to me that the garden is a haven to all sorts of wildlife!

On Saturday June 9th there will be an open day with refreshments, plant sales, raffle and everyone is welcome! If you've not discovered this little gem yet, then what better time- will make a lovely afternoon for all the family!

For more photos and information, have a peek at their website:

Friday, 20 April 2012

Picture House bid

Thank you to Hattie Applebly who has brought to our attention the latest application that aims to convert the old Picture House on Whiteladies Rd into a gym and 5 flats.

Since the closure of the cinema in 2001, the building has been under constant threat of such plans, however strong public protest and complications involving the buildings listed status has thwarted these attempts.

I have yet to meet anyone who would not love to see the beautiful building restored, and to be used once again for its original use as a cinema, or at least some kind of venue for theatre and art. These visions for the cinema to be restored are not unrealistic, and there are individuals working hard to make this happen.

I have viewed this latest application (see link below) and am absolutely delighted to see such a vast number of objections.

We will be monitoring progress of this application, so please keep following for updates and further information.


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Another Street that doesn't want Another Supermarket...

Bristol University student newspaper 'The Epigram', reports that "Bristol could soon see another Tesco store open its doors for business".

Stephanie Linning writes that The Fellowship, a pub on Filton Avenue and a building that has been the subject of previous campaigns by locals to have it protected with listed status, is being sold, and Tesco have confirmed an intention to secure the lease.

Local residents and independent shop owners are concerned, and for several reasons. They are keen that the character of the area and a beloved building with longstanding social function be preserved. They are worried that Tesco opening will prevent local shops from thriving, and, an unnamed local shopkeeper states with conviction that "'We don't need another supermarket on this road.'"

Sounds familiar doesn't it...

The high street

Just a few musings for you, recently I saw in the media that on average 14 stores a day are closing on our high streets - then I found this article which appears to say things are looking up. Further reading made me realise although store sales made January a better month than expected for retail, it will be the next few months that reveal the true picture.

What bothers me about Chain store closures - take Habitat for example is this, if even stores with (in theory) support and infrastructure and money behind them fail - what chance do Independent stores have. Independents will have to fight harder to stay on our streets. I hope that many will ride the storm - take advantage of their Unique Selling Point - the service and the quality of the products they can offer - this sweeping statement can apply to a wide range of retail - from clothing to food. Shops that focus on their customers needs will be the one's to survive - and WE can support them, by going into a shop that isn't a chain you may be able to find a true gem!

Over and Out

Helen x
KWL Team

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Hello! Just back from a really exciting meeting all about the blossoming 'Bristol Pound' - it will be real currency - to be spent within Bristol - which in turn will help the local economy and independent retailers thrive. It's launch is imminent - but I can give you some advanced notice and tell you there will be a meeting on 21st Feb at 7.30pm in Redland Park United Reformed Church. I found them an engaging bunch, who are looking for input and ideas from the public - pop along and have your say!

Would love to hear your thoughts on the scheme!

Helen KWL xxx