Welcome to the home of the Keep Whiteladies Local campaign. This is a new endeavour to tackle the growing problem of the supermarket monopoly, and this site will be growing on a daily basis as the campaign unfolds. Whiteladies Rd. in Bristol has become the latest victim of supermarket creep, which could potentially see 7 supermarkets within a 2-mile stretch, which would include 3 Sainsbury's and 2 Tescos.
If you can help us in any way, please get in touch! Progress will be rapid, so check back frequently for updates.
Add to that 2 more from the top the plan seems to be Sainbury's, Tesco, Co-op, M&S, Sainbury's, Tesco,Waitrose, Waitrose again, although they masy decide to close this one if the new one goes ahead and lastly yet anoth Sainsburys. Thats the one on the triangle.
ReplyDeleteThe question is What are they doing it for, what are thier objectives?
Its such an incredible waste. Can someone do a supermarket map of bristol, including all the prosed sites, look at how much floor space this represents and then work out the sales needed to make those stores viable. With this we would be able to demonstrate that there is no businness case for this amount of retail space.
Armed with some figures and more how about a bristol wide supermarket madness rally.
Yes sounds like a very useful avenue of research, will get it looked into.